Seguno Email Marketing built for Shopify
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launch promotional campaigns

standing out in ecommerce
requires more than just making noise.

promotional campaigns can grab attention and boost sales,but you need to up your game to make a lasting impression and foster brand loyalty.

Launch promotional campaigns for your Shopify Store using Seguno Email Marketing, Popups & Forms, Product Reviews, Unique Discount Codes, Segmentation and personalization

always be ready
for customers.

shopping often starts with intentionality, but impulse purchases account for a significant portion of ecommerce sales:


of shoppers make spur-of-the-moment purchases


have spent at least $100 on impulse

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be a top destination by automating the customer journey and consistently promoting your Shopify store.

crank up
brand visibility.

stay top of mind with holiday- and event-based newsletters, multi-email campaigns for significant spending occasions, and newsletters that differentiate your brand, like behind-the-scenes content.

email promotions influence purchase decisions among 59% of shoppers

further promote your brand and sales with:

product reviews to foster trust

popups to guide site visitors

site banners to announce sales

Engage newcomers with an automated email series from Seguno Email Marketing

incentivize sales
with discounts.

shoppers want discounts — 82% are likely to make an online purchase when given one.

emails with discount codes are 8x more likely to result in a sale

however, exercise caution with Shopify discounts to protect your brand and margins:

prevent coupon abuse with one-time-use unique codes

offer exclusive discounts to your most engaged customers

Incentivize your Shopify store sales with unique discounts codes using the Seguno Marketing Suite.

the shopping experience.

take advantage of your Shopify data by targeting customer segments with tailored messages—brands that do so experience a 760% increase in revenue.

85% of shoppers say their favorite brands treat them like individuals.

offer personalized incentives — such as early access to new products or exclusive gifts — based on shopping history and preferences.

Personalize your Shopify store's shopping experience by targeting customer segments using the Seguno Marketing Suite

launch promotional campaigns with Seguno

email marketing

for sending campaigns with unique coupon codes

product reviews

for collecting social proof to back your products

popups & forms

for drawing attention to special products and collections

try for freesee pricing