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Introducing the updated email dashboard

Tracy Puckett
Tracy Puckett
Content Manager
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Introducing the updated email dashboard

Sometimes we all need to do a little housecleaning, email marketing platforms included. We’ve tidied the Seguno dashboard with the two-pronged goal of creating a smoother user experience and revealing more metrics worth keeping an eye on. 

How could we make it painless for Seguno newcomers to get started? And how could we provide greater value to regular users?

We’ve reorganized and condensed. Added new sections. Brought more order to dashboard navigation. 

The revamp means it’s easier to: 

  • Monitor your account — from newsletters to subscribers to app connections — at a high level
  • See performance metrics of recent email activity
  • Quickly access helpful resources

In this post, we’re walking through the dashboard from top to bottom, left to right, one section at a time. 

If you prefer seeing it in action, click play on the video below.

Find the Seguno menu in the sidebar of your Shopify admin, underneath Seguno in the Apps area.

If you haven’t done it already, we recommend you click on the symbol to pin Seguno to your navigation. Yes, it only eliminates one step. But if you use many apps — and most of them are only on occasion — it’s a nuisance to scroll through a bunch in search of one you use frequently.    

We switched up the top dashboard portion in small yet significant ways.

Screenshot showing a Q1 email marketing planning guide section with thumbnail image, along with totals for sales from newsletters, sales from automations and total sales from email

The new, opening announcement banner is like a digital billboard that changes periodically, pointing you toward something that helps you strengthen your email marketing game. 

The announcement banner will feature materials including: 

  • The newest downloadable content, such as a quarterly calendar planning guide 
  • An upcoming scheduled webinar
  • An improved product feature or update you may have missed

Get a bird’s eye view of your account with the Sales report card. We’ve kept this section intact, showing lifetime sales and conversions generated by Seguno. 

The left side of the dashboard is a mix of familiar and new features.

Screenshot of setup guide showing 2 of 5 tasks completed, followed by section for "get started with this quick product tour"

The Setup guide helps you get up and running with Seguno and is dismissable once you complete all steps. Prompts guide you through essential activities of:

  • Importing subscribers
  • Reviewing sending settings so customers see the correct shop information
  • Activating your first email automation; our go-to recommendation is the welcome email
  • Sending your first email newsletter
  • Growing your subscriber list

If you want an overarching idea of Seguno’s capabilities, check out the short video in the Product tour card. There’s also a link to subsequent video walkthrough guides specifically for newsletters, campaigns, automations, templates and settings.

Otherwise, several new card additions shed light on how your emails are performing, giving a glimpse into what’s resonating and what could use improvement. While the data was previously available with some searching, email engagement metrics for recent activity are now viewable in one spot. 

Screenshot of, from top: recent newsletters section, recent campaigns and top automations

The Recent newsletters card provides a peek into the performance of your last five email newsletters. It displays a preview of the email content for quick identification, time and date sent, plus the following metrics: 

  • Open rate
  • Click rate
  • Sales generated 

Select any email to jump to its detail page for the remaining metrics, including conversion rate, average order value, first-time customers, delivery rate, and more. Or, click on ‘view all’ to access all newsletters. 

Performance metrics are crucial to improving your email program. Here’s how to analyze them.

Like the Recent newsletters card, the Recent campaigns card provides aggregate engagement and sales metrics for your five most recent campaigns. Click into the campaigns to see the performance of individual newsletters.

The dashboard also enables comparison of email automations through the Top automations card. The list is sorted according to sales performance. Select an individual automation to visit its overview page or view all automations.

The Help callout rounds out the dashboard’s left side. Click the ‘Get support’ button to search help articles, ask a question, or chat with a Seguno customer support specialist from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. 

Note: The Help callout card is dismissible; the ‘Get support’ button in the top corner is available on every page for whenever you need assistance.

The right rail of the dashboard features completely new cards. 

Screenshot of, from top: current subscribers, scheduled newsletters and resources

Get a snapshot of your list growth without having to click into the subscribers report. The Current subscribers card provides the current count of your email subscribers. The accompanying sparkline graph shows your growth over the last year. Select the ‘View report’ button to access more details.

Keep tabs on upcoming emails in the Schedule card. This section references the internal newsletter title plus scheduled send date. (Pssst … we highly recommend planning and scheduling emails ahead of time if you already don’t. It makes life easier!) Select a newsletter to jump into its detail page. You can also create a newsletter from this card. 

Access all of Seguno’s learning and marketing strategy content through the Resources card. Find links to:

  • Events: on-demand and upcoming webinars
  • Courses: marketing courses packed with tools, tips and knowledge, parsed into lessons that range from around five to eight minutes
  • Planning guide: downloadable and editable email marketing planning calendar with newsletter ideas and monthly tracking 
  • Blog: articles dedicated to marketing insights, strategic tips and examples 
  • YouTube: videos ranging from product updates to quick tips to how-tos
  • Instagram: curation of bite-sized email, popup, ecommerce and other marketing pointers

See the Seguno integrations connected to your Shopify store in the Connections card. It also highlights apps worth exploring (indicated by a ‘Connect’ button), such as those that enable product reviews, popups and design tools like Canva. 

Screenshot of connections section

Select a connection to learn more or connect. Click the ‘View all’ link to discover other connections available to help grow your store. 

Save time, send better

Take some time to poke around the streamlined dashboard and get a quick assessment of your email marketing program.

We hope that improved access to the most important aspects of your account will reveal insights to help you stay on track better. Perhaps it will be the spark for something — an idea, a new integration, a strategy tweak — you didn’t even know your shop needs.      

We’d love to hear your feedback. Reach out in the app, through the ‘Get support button,’ to let us know your thoughts on the new dashboard. 

create, manage, and track your email marketing—without leaving Shopify.

Seguno is the top-rated email solution built exclusively for Shopify. Grow your sales with high-performing newsletters, email automation campaigns, and integrations with Facebook, Instagram, banners, pop-ups and more. Build and send engaging emails in our easy-to-use editor and take email creation to the next level with our Canva integration. Automate your email marketing and drive more revenue with welcome campaigns, checkout abandonment, post-purchase automations, tag triggers and more.

Find Seguno on the Shopify App Store
get email marketing tips, resources, and industry insights to help your Shopify store grow.

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<div class="schedule-a-demo-injection"><div class="demo-injection-heading">Book a 1:1 demo</div><p class="demo-injection-p">Give us 30 minutes and we'll give you a peek at how Seguno's email marketing and popups can elevate your marketing.</p><a href="/schedule-a-demo" class="demo-injection-button w-button">Schedule a Demo</a></div>
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